Avatar de Tatiana Pogossian

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Discipline(s) : Français, linguistique - Littérature, civilisation

Centre de Langues- Languages Centre

Institut français

13 Cromwell Place

SW7 2JN Londres

Having recently moved to London,  I am looking forward to teaching French as a Second Language. I am willing to share my expertise as an experienced English Foreign language teacher and combine my own personal experience of learning French as a second language many years ago.  I have lived in various areas of  France (Brittany, Paris, Normandy) for almost thirty years.


Holding the Agregation d’Anglais (competitive nationwide teacher examination), I have been teaching English as a Second Language in France for the last 15 years. I have also given one-to-one French as a Second Language classes to recently arrived students. Besides, I have completed a PhD on Contemporary British Fiction and Arts (2011) at Paris-7 Diderot and I have also taught to undergraduate students at Paris-3 Sorbonne Nouvelle. A member of the SAES (Société des Anglicistes de l’Enseignement Supérieur) I have read papers and published articles in peer-reviewed academic journals.